Monday, January 12, 2015

What system?


Would you rather be under the control of a system of common law or positive law?

Write a short paragraph explaining your choice. Must be at least 5 sentences.


  1. I'd rather live under common law. There would be a lot less fighting over right and wrong. There would be only one set of rules to follow. Everyone would know almost all of their laws. Their would be no reason to pay for a congress and house when the law is set in stone.

  2. I would rather be ruled by Common law. I would rather be ruled by laws created by like-minded people such as myself. Instead of being told what to do by people of greater power, I support the people's choices in voting. Common Law applies to most normal and common people of the State rather than just to whom the laws were written for. Positive law applies only to those in power who benefit off of their own laws.

  3. I would rather be ruled by common law over postitive. I would rather have laws mae that pertain to people in the middle class like me. plus i would have a say so in the laws that are created. i believe having to many laws makes this world a boring in conclusion common law is more personalized to me

  4. I would rather be living under common law. There would only be on set of rules to go by. Have rules shaped from out lives not from a century ago. There would not be as much fighting and more people would know the laws. There would not be as much confusion over the laws.

  5. Common is what I would prefer to live under. The rules are fair for everyone. They are based on the customs of the people. People would understand the rules and not be treated unjustly. That is how I would want to live.

  6. I would rather be living under common law. There would only be a set amount of rules that you would have to go by. Not as many people would complain about all the rules that they haven't heard of or don't know about. They would know what the rules are. They wouldn't be confused over all the rules that there are .

  7. I would personally prefer to be governed with common law over positive law. This form of government is more adaptable to the standards and customs of the people as they age and progress. The common law makes more sense because the laws are based off of what society needs not what people impose on them. Positive law is just codes made by men in a political society. They are just made for the reason of having laws and controlling them.

  8. I would rather live under common law. With common law there would only be certian laws to fallow by. We wouldn't have to fallow old laws that we don't need. With common law there will be less fighing and more agreeing on what the peple want.

  9. I would rather live in common law rather than positive law.Common law you would go by certian laws. You wouldn't need to fallow the little laws that have no point to them anymore.Common law is more of what we need in the 20th centry

  10. I would rather live in common law because this way the laws pertain to me more , and pertain to my customs and the way i live. The standards in custom law change based on the peoples customs and standards
