Monday, January 19, 2015


Your neighbor thought the tax system was corrupt. He thought it was far too complicated to be fair in the treatment of most people. So he refused to pay his taxes. He wrote the IRS expressing his views. When tax liens were filed against his property he used the occasion to publicize the unfairness in the tax system.

Is this civil disobedience? Why or why not?


  1. Yes, he is required to pay taxes but chose not to.

  2. Yes it is. He knows the law states that congress is allowed to tax the citizens, so he openly and publicly decided not to do what the law states because he believed it was wrong, which is the very definition of civil disobedience

  3. Yes, he is required each year to pay taxes but he chose not to pay them

  4. Yes it is civil disobedience he chose not to pay his taxes.

  5. yes it is, he is peacefully protesting about unfairness and refusing to pay the taxes he is required by law to pay

  6. Yes because he was open about it and protested the laws alleged injustice.

  7. yes because it is required that he pays taxes
