Thursday, January 29, 2015

University Football

You own three acres of property to the west of the new State University's football stadium. The Univesity seeks to take your property so as to turn it into a parking lot for the crowds that attend the games.

Can they do so?
Must they pay you anything for it? Why or why not?


  1. No. Yes they must pay you for the ground that they want. Because you cant just take someones property without telling them and destroy it and make it into a parking lot.

  2. no, because they must pay you for the ground, because the fourth amendment says that a persons house can not be seized from them. The University does not own the land you do.

  3. The University would have to compensate the owner to take the land.

  4. No they cannot do this, they must pay you for your ground that you own.

  5. Unfortunately they are able to take your land but they would have to compensate you for what they are taking because it is required by law.
