Wednesday, March 4, 2015


A door-to-door salesperson appeared at Jamaya's front door selling encyclopedias. The set cost more than $600 for the hardbound deluxe edition. She signed the contract and paid $200 with the balance due when the books were delivered in 30 days. When the books arrived, she refused to pay. Jamaya claimed the contract was illegal because the salesperson didn't have a business license to operate in her city.

If the allegation can be proven, can Jamaya recover the $200 she paid? Explain.


  1. Yes she can. The city ordinance would cover her $200 that was taken illegally. Also, the salesman would get a fine. Jamaya should not buy things from random people who show up at her door step selling things. So, in a way this is kind of her own fault.

  2. if she can prove her accusation to be true she can recover her money. She can be compensated for the money she lost in a void contract. she would probably have to give the book back tho. such is life.

  3. Yes she can get her money back. If the salesperson isn't licensed in that city then they wouldn't be able to sell there. Therefore the contract is illegal. Since it is illegal the contract is void.

  4. Yes she should be able to get her money back. The sales person was not licensed in the city they where in. So the sales person shouldn't be seller there. So the contract is illegal.

  5. she should be able to get her money back. She did not know at the time of the sale that the salesperson was not licensed in her city, and that it was illegal. The contract would be illegal and she would be able to void it and get her $200 back.

  6. She can get that repaid. The sales lady sold it illegally. She must repay everyone she has sold to. If her accusation is true she will get all her $200.
