Monday, February 23, 2015

Motorized Wheelchair

Frank saw a motorized wheelchair advertised in the paper. When he called, it was described to him and he drove out to see it. The seller was asking $900 for it, but it needed work. SO Frank offered $700. The seller said she wasn't interested at that price. later, Frank called and accepted the offer at the $900 price.However, the seller said it had been sold. Frank became upset and sued.

Will the seller be liable? Why or why not?


  1. No she will not be. It was an open ad in the paper, not a binding contract. It's his loss he didn't make it.

  2. No. Frank terminated the offer when he didn't accept the original offer. The seller will not be liable.

  3. I do not believe the seller would be liable. The reason I say this is because the motorized wheel chair had been advertised in the paper meaning that anyone could get it. Frank did not accept the offer the first time, and tried to get it for a lower price but then left, and someone else bought it. Frank did not put down any money to keep it open so therefore the motorized wheelchair could be sold to anyone.

  4. No she won't because it was an open ad in the paper for anyone to take. It was not a contract, so therefore it isn't her fault

  5. No. Frank declined the original offer. The seller will not be liable.

  6. The seller would not be able to because it was an ad in the paper and also not a contract. So he does not get the credit.

  7. No. the seller will not be liable for what happened.

  8. No Frank declined the original offer. He offered $700 and they said no. They had no agreement just disagreement.

  9. the seller will not be liable. they never agreed on a price and he left without agreeing to buy it. the seller made a contract with someone else and sold it legaly

  10. The seller not liable.It was just an ad in the paper not in a contract.He does not get all the credit.
